Meeting Sunday, Minister of Trade War Debate and "Fed Rates"


JAKARTA, – A number of Cabinet Ministers held a meeting at the Ministry of Economic Affairs Coordination Sunday afternoon (8/7/2018)

on the # Ministry of the Economy's public relations agenda In the morning, this afternoon meeting discussed the formulation of strategies and policies in the face of the impact of the trade war and the war. rising US interest rates.

At 3:20 pm, several ministers were present

They are the Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs Darmin Nasution, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi, the Minister of Tourism Arief Yahya, the Minister of ESDM Ignatius Jonan, Minister of Commerce Enggartiasto Lukita Rini Soemarno, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati, and Thomas Lembong, Director of BKPM

Read also: The Government discusses measures to be taken to anticipate the trade war with the United States

In addition to the ministers, Minister Delegate for Maritime Affairs Luhut Binsar Panjaitan and Secretary General of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Nilanto Perbowo

Journalists are still waiting at the place where they are waiting The arrival of the other ministers concerned who must attend the meeting.

The ministers present did not explain in detail the purpose and discussion of the meeting.

Sri Mulyani revealed that the meeting had taken place outside the working day because the result will be discussed at a meeting with President Joko Widodo.

"The meeting today (Sunday) is to be used for Monday," said Sri Mulyani as he entered the meeting room

See also: Monday Jokowi is leading a meeting Discussion of the threat of US trade war 19659003] The threat of a trade war began to emerge after the chairman of the Advisory Board of the Indonesian Employers Association and the President of the United States. Vice-presidential team, Sofjan Wanandi, said that Indonesia had been warned by the President of the United States. Donald Trump warned that exports from Indonesia to the United States are higher than those from the United States to Indonesia. In addition, the United States also examines the 1945-19008 (SPG) policy .

In view of this policy, the United States exempts tariffs on imports of certain products from developing countries.

The GSP has become the sole foundation of Indonesia for establishing trade relations with the United States.

If the GSP policy is eliminated, the country's trade balance will immediately suffer, as tariffs will be imposed if Indonesia exports to the United States

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