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When we lose one that we love, our most bitter tears are called by the memory of the hours when we have not loved enough.
Vemale.com – Ladies, every woman is born with a different bad shape. Some are born with big bads, others are small. Some women are grateful to have small bads because they do not have to feel backache, as they do with big bads. The owners of small bads did not have any problems when choosing clothes.
Reported by boldsky.com, it turns out that there are four factors that cause women with small bads. Anything anyway?
This is a major factor. Small bads can be caused by bad hypoplasia, a lack of adequate IGT or a mammary mamma tissue that does not develop when the woman goes to adolescence and that leads to bad growth.
In addition, some women are likely to suffer from Turner's syndrome. remove or change one of the X chromosomes. This lack of chromosomes inhibits bad growth.
Abnormalities in the distribution of fats in the body can be a genetic reason for bads can not grow.
Unbalanced Hormones
Disadvantages or excess of hormones in a woman's body: estrogen and progesterone can cause various side effects, including smaller bads.
Lack of nutrients
Lack of vitamins and minerals is also found to be at the origin of bad size. Bad eating habits can also lead to nutritional deficiencies that are needed in the body. Growing up, it is better for women to eat a lot of nutritious foods so you do not run out of nutrition.
The pressure or stress that a woman feels as a teenager can actually inhibit bad growth
Well ladies, this information is able to to provide you with knowledge yes
Source: Liputan6.com
] (vem / ivy)
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