SRIPOKU.COM – Many discoveries have helped us better understand and recognize psychopaths.
Different from previous studies, American scientists have finally been able to discover the root cause of psychopaths who have been vaguely understood.
A study by experts from the Mind Research Network and the Lovelace Biomedical and Environmental Research Institute, a psychopath emerged because of centralized attention disorders in the brain.
The study, published April 9, 2014 of Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience also confirmed that a mental illness
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" Most people see the psychopath as a monster – this very serious mental condition can be overcome " Nathaniel E. Andersaon, one of the PsyPost researchers via IFL Science, Friday (6/7/201 8)
" The psychopathic treatment is actually identical to schizophrenia, at the same time. autism and depression
and Andersaon believes it after badyzing with colleagues the results of 2010 that established a link between attention disorder
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For pr to open his theory, Anderson and his team studied 168 male inmates who had been certified to have a psychopathic nature
All respondents must complete the auditive eccentric task
They are asked to listen to a sound recording and to Press a button when they hear a voice with a very high intonation
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