The World Qurban will distribute sacrificial animals in 50 countries


The World Qurban will see the regions in those countries that are in desperate need.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The World Qurban, Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) wants to facilitate as much as possible the community to accomplish sacrificial worship. The global Qurban is also very concerned that sacrificial animals can provide widespread and targeted benefits.

The president of ACT World Qurban, Rini Maryani, said that last year, the Qurban Global has collected 21,500 animals. This year, Global Qurban aims to collect 62,500 animals equivalent to goats. "Last year, we distributed (sacrificial animals) in 40 countries, God willing this year, we are targeting distribution to 50 countries, God willing," said Rini id Monday (9/7).

He explains, but the distribution of sacrificial animals is related to priority needs. There may be a reduction or addition to the location of the distribution of sacrificial animals when it comes to Eid al-Adha. This can happen even if he mapped the countries to reach Global Qurban.

He said that the countries to reach are the countries of Asia, including the Middle East and African countries. The Qurban world will see areas in those countries that are in urgent need of food.

"The areas that need food are the consequences of humanitarian conflicts, due to natural disasters or extreme poverty, our priorities are," he said. also pbad on, year by year the number of people who make sacrifices through the global Qurban has always jumped. In addition, Global Qurban has a trend of sacrificial animal prices that continue to decline from year to year. In 2014, the price of animal sacrifices is Rp 1,975,000 per capita, in 2015 the price is Rp 1.8 million per capita, in 2016 and 2017 the price is Rp 1,750,000 per head

"And this year the price is 1.7 million the price goes down every year because of Shari'a products if we continue to be creative, we know that this sacrificial animal is not like the capitalist products that price follows inflation, so it must increase, "he explains

. will be able to reduce the cost of production of sacrificial animals.So, the price of sacrificial animals may be less At a lower and lower price, Global Qurban hopes that many Muslim communities can practice sacrificial cults, especially Muslim communities in Indonesia and the generally Muslim communities around the world who will sacrifice through the global Qurban. [19659009]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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