The debate on the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula is on the right track


Despite negative statements made by North Korea during the last visit of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, the US diplomat said that talks with the isolated communist state were still ongoing. Pompeo said North Korean President Kim Jong Un's denuclearization pledges to President Donald Trump have been strengthened – despite North Korea condemning the US position as "a gangster" and "unfortunate"

. 7) While continuing his diplomatic tour, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo cleverly answered the question of whether his visit to North Korea had produced concrete results.

"We are still far away, but the commitments made by Korea The North – frankly – personally made by President Kim to President Trump remains in force, and has been strengthened. "

By cuitan on Twitter, President Trump says that he believes Kim Jong-un will respect what he calls their" contract "Experts say two contradictory statements that emerged from Pompeo's meeting – that is, the US Optimism, and North Korea called the meeting "regrettable" – probably a standardized trading procedure for Pyongyang

James McKeon's Center for Control of armaments and non-proliferation, a national non-partisan research institute in Washington, DC, and security, is one of the experts who thinks so.

"North Korea has clearly delayed the process a little . The Americans are pushing for the immediate demolition of the country's nuclear program, which is unfortunately unrealistic at this time. Analysts say that it is difficult to find a quick solution to any nuclear arms negotiations and that Minister Pompeo may need help from the government for what could be a long process.

James McKeon of the Arms Control and Non-Proliferation Center added: "Currently, Foreign Minister Pompeo seems to be the leader of the negotiations, but as Foreign Minister he has many roles to play. So, to make the Pompeian Foreign Minister a responsible person, but to delegate tasks to a career diplomat who really understands the North Korean situation and can lead on the ground is a very, very good idea "

McKeon says the ultimate is that Americans and North Koreans continue to talk to each other, to tackle thorny issues, including a clear definition of what everyone means when they say "denuclearization."

In a meeting between Trump and Kim last month in Singapore, North Korea promised a "complete denuclearization" of the Korean peninsula, but did not specify how and when it would do so.

During his recent visit to Pyongyang, Pompeo hopes to put pressure on North Korea to end his nuclear program and submit details on how to check about the action that he can make. [lt/ab]

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