Trump calls Germany "Russian prisoner" at NATO meeting


NATO member states meet in Brussels this week

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BRUSSELS – US President Donald Trump quotes Germany as "captive" of Russia Wednesday (11/7) when the Western leaders gathered in Brussels for a NATO summit. In a shocking public statement, Trump told NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg that Germany was mistaken for a new Baltic Sea pipeline worth 11 billion euros. dollars for the import of Russian gas. "We need to protect Russia and Germany and pay billions of dollars a year to Russia," Trump told reporters at a pre-summit meeting in Russia. the residence of the US ambbadador to Belgium

His comments seem to greatly exaggerate Germany's dependence on Russian energy, and imply that the German government is funding the project of pipeline, which was a commercial enterprise. Trump's demands for more contributions for the sake of Merin and the nationalist stance that has shown a trade dispute threatening economic growth in Europe, the latest statement will raise concerns among allies about the US's role in maintaining the peace that he has held since the Second World War.

Two days in Brussels, Trump will meet Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki on Monday.

German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen responded to Trump's comments. "We have a lot of problems with Russia, that's for sure," he told reporters in English. "On the other hand, you must keep lines of communication between the state or the alliance and the opponents without question." Stoltenberg then told reporters that Trump had used a "very simple language", but all NATO allies agreed that should be spread out and that last year showed the greatest increase in a generation .

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