Our electricity does not pass to the neighbors …


TASIKMALAYA, KOMPAS.com – The practice of unofficially lifting or connecting electricity from neighboring houses is still a problem in West Java. Of the 316,000 households in West Java that were not affected by electrification, 75% are those who practice leveraging

Most of them can not pay the official electricity connection.

One of them is Iis (43), a resident of Cikupa Village, Tasikmalaya Regency. Since his house was built 5 years ago, he went to electricity from his brother's house who lived in front of his house. The power flow is only used for two 5 watt lamps each for the porch of the house, as well as the living room and a rice cooker.

Meanwhile, Iis sometimes helps his neighbor to wash and iron workers. who entered the twilight age. So, he can not just use the work time.

Read: Many practices of "leverage", West Java PLN Making an electrical connection Action

While the money to connect the daily life, IIS and the mother relies on the delivery of children in Jakarta.

(19659002) "Yes, I pay the neighbor about 15 000 to 20 000 Rp, but if it 's not as if I did not have any money , they know it too, "he said. Iis told Kompas.com, Thursday (12/7/2018).

Unlike Iis, Amar Muslim (27) jutsru his house was not teraliri electricity since his birth. For daily activities, Amar stayed with her aunt who was right next to the house

"The activity is only if it's only day, if the night stays at Aunt's Above, Amar said.

Sewing that requires Amar to go to her aunt's house. Because, Amar just sews when the night.

He had time to use oil lamps to light his building containing only the living room, a room and the kitchen. However, the lighting of the oil lamp is actually not bright enough to support its sewing activity

Cost Cost

Iis and Amar admit that the cost of the connection of electricity is too high. PLN (Persero) West Java deviation Iwan Prawana explains, the cost of connection or subscription of electricity is Rp 1 million.

"The cost is for connection to PLN, then the cost of installation, and also the cost of certification is possible operation," Iwan told Tasikmalaya, Wednesday (11/7/2018) [19659015] For more details, the cost of electrical connection to PLN Rp 421,000, electrical installation Rp 450,000, and the value of certification Rp 40,000.

Meanwhile, the income of Iis, a call worker, is never fixed. While Amar, every month when cluttered can only get around Rp 700,000 a month.

Iis still has to give an allowance for his son who is still in primary school (SD). While Amar, while living alone, it would be difficult to maintain a home that he lives alone.

Electricity Connections Ministry of SOEs

To overcome similar problems to Iis and Amar, a free electric connection shaded by the Ministry of State Enterprises (SEE).

The Minister of Social Affairs, Rini Soemarno, said that thanks to a program of free connection between public enterprises, no less than 316,000 residents of West Java who have not received official electricity can enjoy electricity for free at least until next November. up to 4 months. "We check first, yes, a number of 316,000 that we check," said Rini.

On the same occasion, Sofyan Basir, Chairman of the PLN, added that the synergy of public companies would increase the rate of electrification. The free electric hookup program will definitely increase the West Java electrification rate up to 100% next year. Currently, the West Java electrification rate is of the order of 98%.

"Now it is 98% in West Java, later this program can work 100% directly," he said.

Sofyan also ensures that the cost of the electrical connection for 316,000 homes in West Java is free. The cost of the electrical connection will be fully charged to the public companies. This is only later than the monthly fee after the connection of electricity is paid by the future customer of electricity.

"No fees, all Synergy State companies subscribed. They only pay for electricity pulse, "said Sofyan.

The chairman of BRI Suprajanto also stated that BRI will help pay the electricity connection fee for 5,000 households. The amount will be completed at this early stage.

"We are helping to connect 5,000 KK of free electricity to West Java, this is done for the current period," he said.

Pertamina Task Force Chairman, Nicke Widyawati, told Pertamina that 400 heads of households scattered in Tasikmalaya have spread to Kecamatan Rajapolah, Singaparna sub-district and Karangnunggal sub-district

"This is a form of synergy between PLN and Pertamina. "(f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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