3 worst drinks that cause your mouth odor!


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When we lose one that we love, our most bitter tears are called by the memory of the hours when we have not loved enough.


Vemale.com – The smell of the mouth should be a problem that not only embarrbades but also decreases confidence. There are several foods that cause bad breath, such as garlic, jengkol and petai

Health.com Gigi Meinecke, DMD, Dentist Academy of General Dentistry Mouth is usually caused by three things, stomach acid, respiratory secretions from the nose that slide into the esophagus, and a substance called volatile sulfur (VSC) into the oral cavity produced by bacteria from leftover food .

this can be appreciated. If all the time, many people know that food alone can cause bad breath, it turns out that drinks can also cause bad breath.

Coffee, alcohol, and soft drinks can make bad breath./copyright Pexels.com/Burst

1. Coffee

Maybe it's a favorite drink of many people, but unfortunately coffee can cause bad breath because of its sulfur content that triggers the odor in the cavity oral. The caffeine contained in coffee can also cause a dry mouth that aggravates the risk of bad breath

2. Alcohol

A recent study of 2018 published in the medical journal Microbiome badyzed saliva samples from over a thousand healthy people between the ages of 55 and 84 years old. The researchers found that odor-causing bacterial concentrations were derived from bacteria from alcoholic beverages

3. Soft Drinks

Sugar and acid content in soft drinks can cause bacterial overgrowth the mouth, resulting in unpleasant odorous acids.

Well, is there probably a favorite drink of you? Experts advise to drink water immediately after drinking the drink to avoid bad breath. Because the water is neutral, it can work to "rinse" the oral cavity of the bacteria that causes odors and food scraps.


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