Journalist Tribunnews.com, Brian Priambudi
TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati calls on employees of the General Directorate of Taxes and Tax Institutions to continue to innovate and observe in the adjustment of economic technological developments. [19659003Thisisduetotheemergenceofmanyfinancialtechnologiesofcertaincompanieswhichprovidenewresourcesfortaxinstitutions
"Ten or 20 years ago, we did not think of the need to design taxes for robots It will be easy to replace human labor," said Sri Mulyani at the # 39 Tax Day Appeal to the Office of Taxation Branch, Jakarta, Saturday 14/7/2018
Sri Mulyani explains the current debate on the best way for government to set taxes on e-commerce, most of which are authors of small and medium-sized enterprises
"We can raise taxes in the same way while supporting economic and social improvement," said Sri Mulyani
. In addition, the problem of on-demand service such as the on-line motorcycle taxi makes the middle clbad its partner. Sri Mulyani reminded the importance of the tax for the sustainability of NKRI, according to him the state is the same as the body parts that require the backbone as his performer.
"If we do not keep the NKRI backbone, just like humans, it will be vulnerable, hunchbacked, and gradually create paralysis for the NKRI unit," he said
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