Merdeka.com – The domestic auto component industry is seeking incentives from the Jokowi-JK government. This is necessary so that the industry continues to grow and can meet the needs of the components for automakers to encourage the increasing level of domestic components (TKDN).
Wan Fauzi, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Small and Medium-sized Indonesian Industries (PIKKO) (19659003) According to him, about 80 percent of the raw materials component are still imported, because they're not readily available on the domestic market
"If the imports, certainly not in the A small amount of meaning must be in a lot of quantity.Nah spec published by APM for its component is not sold in local.Thus, we also need the help of the government, "he said in FGD Senjakala Automotive Components Industry in front of the era of electric cars in Indonesia, Jakarta Wednesday (18/7).
Fauzi pointed out, the necessary incentives by one of them in the form of Kerin (19659003) It revealed that the Malaysian auto parts industry players can not win from the bank interest only 5 to 6% for the purchase of raw materials. While domestic banks continue to charge interest of 12%, which is increasingly increasing the component production activities in the country
"We can get a margin of 3% – 5% of this activity is already It is hoped that the government will further involve the local component industry in the development of electric cars, so if the vehicle type has been mbad-produced, then the component may be satisfied with the country.
"S & D It is not even involved in this electric car, I am afraid that PIKKO members are numerous to make other industrial components. "
Reporter: Septian Deny
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