4 Latest bodies found, Total victims killed inside the ship in Missouri So 17 people: Okezone News


MISSOURI – Divers evacuated the last 4 bodies of the "duck", which spilled during a storm in a lake in Missouri, United States, on Friday, July 20 2018.

The accident killed 17 people and became one of the most deadly incidents involving tourists in recent years in the United States. The amphibious vehicle of the Second World War was packed with 31 pbadengers, including children, when the storm appeared on Table Rock Lake, outside the tourist town of Branson, Missouri on Thursday, July 19, 2018

Storm Wendy Doucey, director of the Stone County Sheriff's Office, said the rescuers had found four duck bodies drowned to a depth of 24 meters below the surface of the water.

"It's important to know exactly what happened," said Michael Parson, Governor of the State of Missouri, at a press conference

"(but ) today still too early, "he continued.

 President Donald Trump sympathizes with ship crashes in Missouri (photo: Twitter)

The accident began Thursday at 19:00 local time, after a torrential downpour in the area, while two ducks were on the lake, authorities said.

Both boats returned to shore, but only one survived. "From what I know, there are life jackets on the boat," said Sheriff Stone County, Doug Rader, at a news conference.

He refused to answer the question of whether the drag boat pbadengers wore a lifejacket. The National Transportation Safety Board and the US Coast Guard are conducting an investigation, officials said.

Rader notes that the boat's captain survived but not the boat's driver. The officials did not make any statement regarding the identity or age of the drowned pbadengers.

The owner of the duck, Ripley Entertainment, says that he works with the families of the victims.

"Our top priorities are our families and our employees affected by this tragic accident," company spokeswoman Suzane Smagala-Potts said Thursday.

Ducks, which collect samples of vehicles that can be landed on D – Day and used for tourist vehicles worldwide, have been involved in a number of fatalities on land and in the US. water during the last two decades.

Thirteen people died in 1999 when the duck they were driving near Hot Springs, Arkansas, was suddenly drowned.

The Dairy Boat Manufacturer, Ride the Ducks International LLC, agreed in 2016 to pay a million dollars after the collision of one of its vehicles, which can also be operated ashore, with a bus in Seattle . During the incident, five foreign students were killed.

The company claimed to be negligent, did not comply with US regulations regarding the manufacture of vehicles. In 2010, two tourists died in Philadelphia when the duck in which they sailed was struck by a tug on the Delaware River.


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