Do men need to shave armpit hair?

[ad_1] – For a man, it is natural that in the armpit will be invaded. But some men who feel less comfortable prefer to shave with reasons to maintain cleanliness and maintain appearance.

Many also badociate armpit hairs badociated with excessive sweating or odors generated by the hair during physical activity. However, how important is it to shave armpit hair for men?

armpit 2018

Mens Health Launch Friday (20/07/2020), according to some theories, underarm hair can reduce sweating and friction. In the past, it could have been a badual attraction.

In 2015, Men's Health conducted a survey of 4,044 men on shaving their underarms. 68% said that they cut their armpit hair for aesthetic reasons. While 16% do it for athletic reasons.

The Most Important Hygiene

armpit 2018

According to Clinical Professor of Dermatology at Yale University, USA Mona Gohara on, armpit shaving can cause irritation, folliculitis, rashes , inflammation, up to the infection of a dirty razor. 19659005] In this case, cleanliness is very important. I wonder if you have shaved armpits or not. If you decide to shave it, make sure you are doing the right thing and use a clean tool. Especially, if you have sensitive skin.

Make sure everything is clean. Most importantly, you should shave armpit hair because he likes it. Not because they see people as a clean armpit.

Hair under the armpits can indeed interfere with the appearance if we do not compensate by maintaining the cleanliness of our bodies. So, shaved or not, everything is not important as long as you are comfortable with your choice. The important thing is that you should always keep and keep your body clean and fragrant, so that it can always be beautiful.

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