Hindus view the cow as a sacred animal. Muslim minorities in India trade cattle, especially buffaloes for consumption and milking.
Northwestern Indian state police of Rajasthan said that a group of people had surrounded the victims, identified as Akbar when he was carrying cows in his village in the state d & # 39; Haryana. "We are investigating the incident and will soon be arrested," said Shyam Singh, a police officer from Alwar District, according to the news agency Reuters ].
The incident occurred shortly after midnight, following the suspicion of some villagers that the 28-year-old man was trafficking cows. Akbar lives in an agricultural community of Haryana
The vigilante action of pro-Hindu groups continues in India after the coming to power of Prime Minister Narendra Modi of the nationalist Bharatiya Janata party ( BJP) in 2014. Although most of the 29 states have banned the killing of a cow to eat his flesh.
The victim who was seriously injured while being beaten was taken to a nearby hospital, but his life was not helped. "On the way, the victim identified himself as Akbar and he was accompanied by another friend who managed to escape," said Anil Kumar Beniwal, a police officer contacted by phone.
Police have identified four or five alleged perpetrators.
By posting on his Twitter account, the Chief Minister of Rajasthan condemned the incident by promising to take decisive action
"The strongest act will be taken against the perpetrators", said Vasundhara Raje, a member of the BJP party. in April 2017, Pehlu Khan, a rancher, was beaten to death by a crowd returning from the market with two cows and two calves in his truck
The incident sparked fears about the government's influence of Modi on escalating pro-Hindu acts. on the alleged defamation of cows who are not afraid of the law and act as a private militia.
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