Knowing Asthma in Children
By: dr.Cynthia
ASMA is still an important health problem for people of NTT and can be suffered by all age groups. The prevalence of asthma in children varies considerably between countries in the world, ranging from 1-18%.
According to Riskesdas data from 2013, the prevalence of asthma in NTT is 7.3% where, the highest districts are Manggarai, Sumba, Ngada, Ende, Sabu, Lembata, Central Timor -Sud, North Central Timor, Rote Ndao, and Kupang City
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From Some of My Experiences During service, many children are often brought to the emergency with one of the complaints of shortness of breath and sounds "nik or wheeze" with a difficult sputum
It is not uncommon that parents continue to ask questions about the illness that their child is suffering and whether the illness suffered by the child can be completely healed or not.
If not getting a good treatment, asthma can reduce the quality of life of children, restrict daily activities, interfere with sleep, improve (19659007)
For families and the health sector , uncontrolled asthma will increase spending
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Asthma is a disease characterized by chronic inflammation Respiratory tract resulting in constriction of the respiratory tract
Asthma is also defined as a history of respiratory symptoms such as wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness and / or coughing. repeated with limited ability to remove body air by breathing (exhaling). This is typical especially at night.
What must be known, is that asthma can be caused by several precipitating factors such as climate change, cigarette smoke, burnt waste, cold temperatures, l / # 39; dry air, cold drinks, flavors, food preservatives, some allergens such as dust, mites, animal ruptures, fungi, badroaches, pollen, respiratory tract viral infections and the Physical activity like running, screaming, crying or laughing excessively.
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