Malaysia releases illegal workers


KUALA LUMPUR – The Malaysian Immigration Service declares free of illegal workers or unauthorized migrants (PATI) as of August 31, 2018, coinciding with the day of Malaysia's independence. The head of the Malaysian Immigration Service, Datuk Seri Mustafar Ali, said Sunday in Kuala Lumpur that he would set off a raid operation to stop the midnight PATI on that date

"We want to take the spirit of national independence by releasing Malaysia. "said Mustafar

The head of the Malaysian Immigration Service added that the arrested PATs, including employers who employ and host illegal workers, will not be tolerated and directly confronted with the law.

Voluntary voluntary program or voluntary delivery program recognized as 3 + 1 for foreigners by paying a fine is then repatriated to the country of origin. origin. "

Mustafar insists that they still have the opportunity to surrender until August 30th. firm and each PATI will be fined 400 RMB for Malaysian ringgit

He explained that the Mega operation, which was implemented throughout the state of Malaysia from 1 July 2018, held more than 3,000 PATI for various types of errors. Mustafar added that some of them had work permits from different employers to be escaped from their original employer.

Mustafar also hoped that the local government could help immigration to place foreigners in cleanliness. "Their placement is mainly in the absence of a garbage disposal system, a bad toilet system that may transmit the disease," he said.

Meanwhile, a number of illegal workers from Indonesia are currently launching many who follow the 3 + 1 program through a designated company.

Systematic Deportation

Meanwhile, the media of the Straits Times wrote that every year, Malaysia carries out the mbad deportation of PATI and that it is responsible for the deportation. is held for the last time in July. A year ago, the Malaysian Immigration Service reportedly drove 600,000 PATIs working illegally in Malaysia.

In Malaysia today there are more than 2 million migrant workers employed mainly as laborers or plantation workers, public, restaurants, office workers and childcare centers. According to recent reports, the majority of foreign migrant workers in Malaysia come from Indonesia, Bangladesh and Myanmar, including ethnic Rohingyas.

Ant / Named / I-1

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