VIVA – Parents often ignore the symptoms of anemia in children. As a result, they are often too late to realize the presence of this disease in the baby.
Symptoms of anemia in children include loss of appetite, difficulty concentrating, decreased immune system and behavioral disorders. The layperson is more familiar with 5L symptoms (lethargic, weak, tired, tired, limp), pale face, firefly.
According to Anemia Convention 2017, the prevalence of anemia in Southeast Asia and Africa reaches 85%, with women and children children as most victims. There are 202 million women in Southeast Asia and 100 million women in the Western Pacific aged 15 to 49 who suffer from anemia.
Overall, 41.8% of pregnant women and nearly 600 million preschool and school age children are anemic, 60% of pregnant women cases and about half of all cases of pregnancy. anemia in children due to iron deficiency [19659005] Illustration of the sleeping child. "/>
Nutrition in the first 1000 days of life is an absolute necessity for every child, and this should start from the moment the baby is still in the womb.Gastekologist MA Corazon Zaida N. Gamila , MD, FPOGS of the Philippines has revealed the role of iron as one of the micronutrients that pregnant women need during pregnancy that determines the quality of the child's health in the future. Iron deficiency anemia (ADB) in pregnant women increases the risk of bleeding. -emlamsia and infection.Pregnant women with ADB are also at risk of giving birth to low birth weight babies, babies with anemia or iron deficiency, or even death in infants, "said Gamila in a press release Monday, July 23, 2018. [19659007] Chairman of the working group on the subject. iron deficiency anemia, Indonesian Association of Physicians (IDAI) Dr. Murti Andriastuti SpA (K) adds that iron deficiency anemia (ADA) is a common health problem in children. The long-term complications of ADB can include cardiovascular system disorders, immune system, developmental disorders, psychomotor as well as cognitive.
Although curable, complications arising from anemia may be permanent and can not be repaired. For this, Murti suggested, iron supplementation should be done early, before iron deficiency in children with iron deficiency anemia.
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