Mums, do not come true following the trend of MPASI in Medsos


The case of iron deficiency anemia (ADA) usually occurs in six-month-old infants.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Internet and social media are now filled with all kinds of information. No information on complementary feeding of milk (MPASI). Many mothers of the time now become followers of social media accounts (medsos) who often share the MPASI baby menu.

However, this phenomenon seems to disturb the medical community, especially the pediatrician. Some of them expressed their concern that the menu of MPASI followed by mothers of public figures or influencers did not really match the nutritional content required by infants. Concerns that arise one of them from pediatrician Murti Andriastuti.

"In Medsos many MPASI menus are not suitable for health guidelines, but are followed by mothers, should provide a dietary intake that is appropriate to the needs of the baby and have been clinically proven Do not just follow what is shared public and his testimony, "he said in a discussion entitled Treatment of Anemia and Treatment of Rhinitis to Improve the Quality of Children and Family Life, Sunday ( 22/7)

contains iron.In the first six months of exclusive badfeeding, infants would have little iron intake

"At six months, l '; Iron intake comes from mothers and bad milk, but long-term iron intake in the baby's body will decrease "Of this MPASI should the baby get enough iron supplements," said Murti.

But sometimes mothers still do not realize the importance of the blossoming of iron in MPASI. Therefore, cases of iron deficiency anemia (ADB) usually appear in six-month-old infants.

Iron is one of the essential nutrients to support the growth of the child. If, up to the age of two, iron requirements are insufficient, the effect on the child's growth will be permanent.

Similar statement by pediatrician Soedjatmiko. Soedjatmiko explains that children whose iron intake is minimal can suffer from underweight, height and developmental delay.

"Rough motor, fine motor skills, speech, memory, all influenced by iron. an important role in the development of children and the formation of the structure of the brain, "said the senior doctor.

Soedjatmiko had found a trend in drugs that call the favorite carbohydrates for MPASI. According to Soedjatmiko, the menu of MPASI must be complete with staples, side dishes, fruits and vegetables. "For illustration, about a portion of the MPASI is made up of half of the smallest portion of staple food, a quarter less serving for red meat and vegetable side dishes, "he said., n, t, s)
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