1 in 10 Indonesian is idap hepatitis B, more than 5 million pregnant women need screening


Jakarta (ANTARA News) – In 2022, the Ministry of Health has set at 5.3 million the number of pregnant Indonesian women who have tested free hepatitis early in order to reach the Purpose of elimination of mother-child transmission. The Director of Communicable Disease Prevention and Control of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, Wiendra Waworuntu, said Friday in Jakarta that if hepatitis is not detected, one in four people will die of cancer or liver failure

The Indonesian government aims to eliminate the transmission of HIV, syphilis and hepatitis B from mother to mother. child from here 2022 according to the Minister of Health Decree No. 52 of 2017.

Wiendra says that one in 10 Indonesians has hepatitis B.

unaware until the time of complications arise or too late, "he said.

Besides, there are many people who have no symptoms and do not know that they are infected with hepatitis C.

Wiendra says 5.3 million pregnant women each year, one 2.2 percent of the total number of pregnant women have a reactive hepatitis B status (HBsAg reagent), which means a high potential for transmission of hepatitis B in children.

Of the 2.2 % of total pregnant women, it is estimated that about 120,000 infants will develop hepatitis B and 95% will have chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis or cancer (19659002) He stated that the losses suffered would be very significant, for example, a case of cirrhosis costs Rp1 billion and a case of liver cancer around Rp5 billion

. coce of hepatitis in the pregnant mother and the administration of the vaccine against hepatitis B and vaccination of infants from the moment of birth should be further improved to avoid the great loss.

Hepatitis is a serious global health ailment, including in Indonesia. This disease can cause morbidity and mortality and requires the attention of various parties, governmental, non-governmental and society.

See also: 2,200 concealment workers Bandung vaccinated against hepatitis B

Hepatitis is a chronic disease as a "silent killer". Many patients infected with hepatitis know that they are infected after an advanced or chronic stage, even though cirrhosis and liver cancer occur.

The mode of transmission of the hepatitis virus is the dirt and mouth of hepatitis A and E, while hepatitis B, C and D through the contact of body fluids

Transmission of the hepatitis 39, hepatitis by contact with the body fluid can occur, inter alia, by the mother of hepatitis to the unborn child, blood transfusions and organs without screening, the use of Unsafe Needles, A heightened awareness and awareness of the dangers of hepatitis and risk factors such as the use of needles and non-sterile blood products can save millions of people. Indonesians of the danger of hepatitis

Thus, it can support and reduce the burden of individuals, families, communities, governments on the losses that they suffer Ima to avoid that many people suffer or have hepatitis

See also: Mi Department of Health succeeded in protecting 7,268 infants from the transmission of hepatitis

Edited by Suryanto

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