Massive implementation of rubella measles took place in Morut – Kaili Post


Reporter / morut : pariaman stone
SOCIALIZATION Mbad vaccination of rubella is over
in the district of Morowali North. The other is at Maralee Village
Under West Petasia District (27/07/2018) then. The activity was directly supervised by the Camat
West Petasia, Herry Pinintoan.
Yunius Pesik presents the moment of rubella measles
in Indonesia mbadively socialized. It is consistent with the decision
Minister of Health RI. Rubella measles vaccination is the prevention of the transmission of measles disease
and rubella in the community by giving faksin. activities
made in bulk with the target age of children from nine months to less
15 years old
The impact of rubella causes disease
pneumonia, brain inflammation, blindness and diarrhea and malnutrition. The Ruble
may cause heart abnormalities, eye disorders or cataracts and may
causing deafness as well as delays in body development and tissue dysfunction
the muscle says Yunius.
By preventing this disease en mbade
should also prevent mbadively. The implementation will be implemented since
August -2018 is at all levels of school, kindergarten, early childhood, elementary school and middle school in every posyandu
or to Puskesmas. & # 39; & # 39; For this the board of directors provides child data
educated us, so we have data in every school to smile
who is a student who has not been vaccinated. & # 39; & # 39; Brilliant.
Immunization is performed in two stages. August
and September 2018. So, later in each school, the disciples will
immunized will be monitored, when it is hot or is diarrhea there
postponed the implementation of waiting to recover first, and also we have in part
put Baleho at the crossroads all the streets.

While Herry is waiting for measles prevention
And Rubela can avoid various diseases in the Petasia sub-district
Where is. He hopes that health workers will continue to provide socialization
in society to avoid disease. **

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