Prepare 4000 coins, Bank Indonesia presents its GPN debit card in Pekanbaru


Bank Indonesia Office in Jakarta – Reuters / Iqro Rinaldi PEKANBARU – Representative Office of the Bank Indonesia The Province of Riau organizes the socialization and introduction of the bank card National payment to Pekanbaru (19659003) BI Riu chief Siti Astiyah said for the GPN card socialization in Pekanbaru, he combines with Fun Run activities

"So today we are Fun Run 5K and 10K titles at the same time spreading the GPN debit card to the public Pekanbaru, so in addition to running at once can exchange ATM cards or an old debit with a GPN card, "he told Bisnis on Monday (30 / 7/2018)

Siti says that there are nine banks coupled by representatives of Bank Indonesia Riau, Mandiri, Bank BRI, Bank BNI, Bank BTN, Bank Riau Kepri, Bank Permata, Bank BCA, Bank Mandiri Syariah and CIMB Bank Niaga

Out of a total of nine bank In this activity, up to 4000 GPN debit cards have been prepared that can be exchanged by the card or debit card community issued by each bank.

Activation of Bank Indonesia's opening activities at BI Jalan Jenderal office Sudirman Pekanbaru 2018 – August 3, 2018.

"Our hope that people can take advantage of this opportunity, because many advantages in using the GPN debit card, "he said. Some of these benefits, among others, cost less for customers or merchants, ie. Merchant discount rate (MDR) from the previous 3% to just 1%.

In addition to the state, all transactions will be the settlement or settlement of the transaction, at the national level. Unlike before, using a debit card with Visa or Mastercard logo, the settlement of the transaction was done abroad.

"It also helps to increase the state's sovereignty in financial transactions" (1965, pp. Js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName (s) [0]; if (d.getElementById (id) ) returns: js = d.createElement (s); = id; js.src = "http: //" (document, "script", & quot; facebook-jssdk & # 39; )); [ad_2]
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