Reveals the Benefits of Coconut Water for Pregnant Women


The coconut water contains vitamin C, nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid, biotin, riboflavin and folic acid.


31 July 2018 19:43

Dream – Pregnant women need a lot of fluid to meet the needs of the body. It is not surprising that pregnant women are strongly encouraged to increase their consumption of water or fruit juice.

In addition, other inputs are also important for the consumption of ham, namely coconut water. In addition to being refreshing, coconut water seems very beneficial to the health of pregnant women.

The coconut water contains vitamin C, nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid, biotin, riboflavin and folic acid.

Neutralize toxins in the body
If you want to drink coconut water, choose the type of green coconut. The content of tannin and antidotum (anti-toxins) contained in the green coconut water is very high. Green coconut water also contains enzymes that can break down toxins in the body.

Eliminates dehydration
The electrolyte content in green coconut water is very high and can replace lost fluids. The other content contained in the green water of coconut is potbadium which is useful for maintaining the water pressure in the cells and in the blood.

Antidote to viruses and fungi
The green water of coconut contains compounds of lauric acid disease. Lauric acid is also present in bad milk and has similar characteristics for antifungals, antibacterials and anti-viruses. While hiaju coconut water is good for pregnant women and the fetus.

Improvement of digestive function
Usually, digestive function in pregnant women will experience pregnancy disorders such as food slowing down. Well, coconut water can help improve digestive function. If the digestive function is maintained and remains in good condition, then certain digestive disorders can be avoided

Source: Yoga Tri Priyanto /

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