How to beat toothache in children: use these 4 effective tips!


TRIBUNJAMBI.COM – Are you looking for ways to treat toothache in children? calm us There is a solution.

Toothache in children is embarrbading for both parents and children. The most common causes of this pain are cavities and gum disease.

In addition, short-term pain can also occur due to bumps on the teeth, small scratches in the mouth or food stuck between the teeth.

Home remedies indeed become one of the ways to treat toothache in children, although you should also consult a doctor for more details.

So what are the ways to treat toothache in children? Discover the points below:

1. brush and silk
Toothbrushes and soft threads can lift foods that can be sandwiched between teeth.
If your child is tall enough, let him brush his teeth.
As you watch to make sure he's doing it well.

2. hot salt water
If your child is old enough to rinse their mouths, salt water can help relieve toothache and reduce swelling around them.

Give your child a sip of water to rinse and teach him how to rinse well.
Also make sure your child spits water and does not swallow it.

3. Es Batu
Wrap the ice cubes on the cloth and place them on the affected area for about 15 to 20 minutes.
If he complains, do not continue.

But if ice can help, you can use it every few hours.
Do not put ice directly on the affected skin or teeth, you should wrap it in a rag.

4. medications
The drug can temporarily relieve a child's teeth.
Acetaminophen (Tylenol) or Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) can be administered under the supervision of your pediatrician.

Do not give aspirin to your child without doctor's instructions.
That is, some ways to treat toothache in your child. Good luck!

Author: Muflika Nur Fuaddah
Publisher: Ade Sulaeman

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