When the air is hot and you need a cool drink that is both nutritious, cold milk is the solution. But apparently, drinking hot milk also provides a number of benefits to the body, you know.
In accounting for Livestrong, milk served with warm temperatures is better able to bring out the taste of the milk itself, so it feels more delicious. Nutrient content, such as protein and calcium, is generally higher in warmer milk than in cooled milk or ice cubes.
Benefits of low fat hot milk
Low fat milk has fewer calories, or 83 calories per cup. Well, if you follow a diet program, drinking a glbad of hot, low-fat milk may be the right choice!
Calories from milk come from a mix of healthy proteins and carbohydrates. Each cup of hot milk also contains 12 grams of natural sugar that can be used as fuel for the muscles and brain.
Meanwhile, 8 grams of protein, which also contains amino acids, are useful for promoting the growth of cells and tissues.
The protein content of hot milk is very important for maintaining muscle tissue and the immune system. Well, if you do not want to be easily attacked by the disease during the rainy season, it is best to drink a glbad of hot milk instead of eating a bowl of instant noodles.
Although just as hot, but the nutritional content is very different. In addition to improving body immunity, nutrition in warm milk also helps you maintain the balance of hormones needed by the body.
On the other hand, your body can use amino acids to make collagen, which contributes to the construction of the bone structure. So, drinking hot milk can prevent bone loss and help with post-bone recovery.
So what about the calcium content in a glbad of hot milk? Yes, a cup of low-fat hot milk can make up 30% of your daily calcium intake.
The body needs calcium, phosphorus and magnesium to make hydroxyapatite, a mineral that forms bone tissue. Hydroxyapatite is responsible for the strength and strength of the bones, making them more resistant to fractures.
Supports metabolism and relieves stress
Quoted by Livestrong, milk is a source of vitamin B12 because, in each cup, it can cover a fifth of the value of your daily needs of vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 helps you produce red blood cells, so the body tissues receive the fresh oxygen needed for daily activities.
In addition, B-complex vitamins (Riboflavin and Vitamin B 5) are also beneficial for nerve health and support your metabolism.
Milk at room temperature contains melatonin and tryptophan compounds that help you fall asleep. But unfortunately, both are present in small amounts, so that sometimes they do not give maximum effect.(NP / RVS / klikdokter)
(mr / * / low / JPR)
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