Help patients with hypertension and diabetes, the SMC clinic regularly organizes healthy gymnastics


Siantar, To improve the quality of public health, especially to help people suffering from hypertension (hypertension) and diabetes (sugar disease), the Sutra Medical Center (SMC) clinic regularly organizes healthy exercises (prolanis).

This gymnastics is held every Friday morning, said Dr. Chairul, head of the SMC Silk Clinic, accompanied by Satria, on the Asahan Road km. 3.5, Friday (11/2/2018), then.

Chairul explained that healthy gymnastics was greeted enthusiastically by people who knew that health was expensive and that maintaining good health was very important.

"Let's hope that the healthy exercise we do in this clinic is helpful in improving the health of the surrounding community," he said.

And explained Satria, proletarian gymnastics is a fitness exercise for people with hypertension and diabetes.

Residents took part in a healthy exercise organized by the Sutra Medical Center (SMC) clinic.

At the same time, Agisler Silalahi, one of the residents who participated in the health program, said that since he had taken part in the prolanis exercise, he seemed to be in better shape and in better health.

"It's healthier now, having followed gymnastics at the Sutra Medical Center clinic.My body is lighter," he said with pride, claiming that his weight had dropped from 130 kg to 115 kg.

In the same place, other participants in the gym, Tini, who lives around the clinic, added that she was very happy to be able to do health exercises every Friday as it improved the health of her body.

"Many friends who come to this clinic and I do not want to miss it, also want to stay healthy," he said with joy.

Residents took part in a healthy exercise organized by the Sutra Medical Center (SMC) clinic.

While Amelia Susanti Boru Purba, who is colloquially known as Sis Santi, accompanied by Ika Lubis as a KPS4 Healthy Gym Instructor, said busy people working in many offices need to stay healthy and in good health. form.

"We expect office workers and busy mothers to continue to stay healthy in order to avoid illness," he said.

Santi added that the exercise she was doing was a gentle physical exercise. "It's about fitness, gymnastics and light exercise, its function is to maintain health and endurance.It is suitable for office workers.The time is only d & # 39; One hour, but the body is very fit, because a lot of sweat comes out, "explained Santi. in Siantar and Simalungun.

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