Taliban agree to send delegates to meetings in Russia


KABUL, KOMPAS.com – The Taliban announced that they would send representatives to a multilateral dialogue meeting on peace in Afghanistan to be held in Russia.

In a statement posted on social media, the Taliban announced the sending of senior representatives of their political bureau to Qatar.

"This conference is not about negotiating with some parties, but about conducting in-depth discussions to find a peaceful solution to the chaos in Afghanistan, as well as ending the US occupation," the spokesman said. Taliban, Zabiullah Mujahid.

Last month, the Taliban named eight former Guantanamo Bay detainees, who were released in 2014, and exchanged a US soldier named Bowe Bergdahl to hold political office in Qatar.

Read also: Afghanistan is certain to send delegates to meetings with the Taliban in Russia

"They have the power to talk about peace," said a senior Taliban official AFP.

The confirmation by the Taliban comes one day after the Afghan High Peace Council, the government body responsible for reconciliation with the militants, confirmed the presence of the delegation at a meeting in Russia.

Earlier announced on Saturday (03/11/2018), the Russian government will hold a multilateral dialogue meeting that will address the issue of peace in Afghanistan on 9 November.

In addition to inviting representatives of the Afghan government and the Taliban, Russia has also sent invitations to the United States, India, Iran, China, Pakistan and other countries. five former Soviet countries of Central Asia.

The meeting in Moscow was initially scheduled for September, but was canceled after the Kabul government insisted that the peace process be led by Afghanistan.

Read also: Russia will host the Afghan meeting with the Taliban

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