Merdeka.com – Arjuna Arya Atarahman, formerly the boy is the same as his age. The 6 year old boy usually plays with his friends. He is also known for being lively and very active. But everything has changed since one day complained about not being able to move his body to his parents.
On Thursday, June 7, 2018, Arjuna Arya was taken to RSUD Majalaya, Regency of Bandung. After the complaint, Arjuna Arya worse condition. The RSUD Majalaya then sent Arjuna Arya back to RSUP Hasan Sadikin Bandung in the afternoon. When he is examined by a doctor, Arjuna Arya suffers from Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS)
Guillain-Barre syndrome 2018 liputan6.com
The hearts of parents of Arjuna Arya were immediately destroyed their only child struck by the rare GBS disease, a disease that disrupts the functioning of the immune system (autoimmune disease).
The GBS is one of the few diseases in which the immune system attacks the nerves. This resulted in total paralysis. Because the disease is rare, the parents of Arjuna Arya are totally ignorant of the disease.
"I just heard the term is GBS disease from the doctor alone.Takersangnya first time with the state of his legs have weakened," said Apit contacted Liputan6.com, Monday, July 9, 2018.
Currently, Arjuna Arya is still at the Hasan Sadikin Hospital of the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (USIP). Based on the diagnosis of doctors, heart and other organs Arjuna Arya in good health. It's just that, because of this virus, almost every organ of the boy who went to primary school can not work. "Breathing is still a bit difficult because the Aryan lungs can not work alone, all are badisted by fans."
During the Hasan Sadikin RSUP, Arya Arya underwent plasma plasmapheresis treatment or separation from blood cells for five times, but there was no change in the condition d & # 39; Aryan. During the first 12 days, he was always conscious. But from day 13 to Monday is still in a coma. Until now, doctors are still examining Arya states after the treatment of plasmapheresis.
Costs by the common way
[194590007] Guillain-Barré Syndrome 2018 liputan6.com
The father of Arjuna Arya is an honorary professor at MTS Ar-Rohman, Jalan Nengta, Ibun sub-district, Bandung Regency. With income, Apit found it difficult to pay for the treatment of their first son.
"My honorary teacher's income is Rp 600,000, my wife is a housewife," says Apit
However, Apit with his wife and family just as long as the hospital does. Does not stop the tool at Arjuna Arya's body. Including trying to get help via kitabisa.com
At https://m.kitabisa.com/aryamelawangbs, Atip explains that Arjuna Arya's drug uses a path common since Arjuna Arya had no BPJS at the beginning
"After Arya treated, I immediately take care of doing BPJS but because the initial entry Arya through public channels, the BPJS can not be used.On the initial registration, we have joined the Certificate of Unable to (SKTM) and will get a grant of Rp 5 million.However, there is "said Apit on the page.
In addition, residents say, so far, the cost of treatment Arjuna Arya has exceeded Rp 100 million, where the cost of Plasmapheresis of Rp 50 million, the cost of drugs deposit of 50 million Rp , and the cost of PICU room for 24 days about 62 million Rp.
"The cost of the hospital is so big for us, and we feel distress .The state of my child was still in a coma and of course the cost will continue to grow, "said Apit.
Villagers Campaka Village, Pangguh Village, Ibun District said to be grateful for its download on the kitabisa.com page, has a lot of nice people with his family. As of Monday evening, the donations on the page reached 220 million Rp.
"I look forward to his help because once again everything has been developed.My family is grateful for the gift that has been given, "said Apit.
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Perhaps many of you do not know about the rare disease Guillain-Barre Syndrome This disease attacks the immune system in total, and in the end the victim becomes totally paralyzed.
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