A fake vaccine scandal allegedly fake chokes China


AKURAT.CO, Unfounded vaccine scandal produced in China. It's just arouse the public's anger. The case also affected the local drug market and threatened Beijing's ambition to become a major player in the global pharmaceutical industry. Stock prices of various Chinese biotechnology and vaccine manufacturing companies also fell.

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang also criticized Changsheng Biotechnology Co., the company that allegedly made this deviation. Li calls for immediate action.

Changsheng is known for producing production documents related to the rabies vaccine administered to a three-month-old baby. This scandal also shows the difficulties faced by China to emerge as the second largest pharmaceutical industry in the world when the country wants to promote its vaccine globally.

Although there was no report of sick people with the vaccine, the regulator ordered Changsheng to stop production and withdraw its product after the outbreak of scandal this month. This case has become viral in China. In addition, the country is very sensitive to food and pharmaceutical safety issues after several scandals in the last decade.

Parents in China worry about the safety of vaccines for their children. Getty Image

This vaccine scandal has also become a viral topic in Weibo microblog. The tags related to the case were taken more than 600 million times despite reports that some posts were removed by government censorship.

"All my friends are worried about the vaccine business, everyone is scared, it really shows a big hole and a major issue in China's food safety and pharmaceutical regulations," writes a user of Weibo with an account titled 1988 Cheng Hongyu

Another user writes, "Yesterday there was milk powder, the vaccine of today." What is it? who will appear tomorrow? "

In 2008, there was a milk powder scandal contaminated by industrial melamine chemicals that some babies died. Melamine is added illegally to increase protein levels

PM Li immediately called for an investigation into the Changsheng case and demanded severe penalties for anyone involved. He added that the public needed clear information

"We will fight illegal and criminal acts that endanger people's lives, punish lawless offenders and punish supervised responsibilities," he said. the Prime Minister.

According to the Food and Drug Administration of China, Changseng falsified production records and product monitoring records and modified existing measurement and equipment processes. In the existing rules, this action is a serious offense.

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