A family killed in India, the police prevent the practice …


Eleven policemen identified as a 75-year-old grandmother were found dead on the floor of the house, police said, the AFP news agency reported

. who are dependent are his children and his son-in-law and five grandchildren. While the family dog ​​was found safe

"It is too early (to know what is happening) .The investigations are continuing and we have not been able to conclude anything yet", said the police officer.

The case was recorded as a murder case No bullet or letter was found.

The Hindustan Times newspaper reported that the family lived in the district. Burari in New Delhi, India, for two decades. The house belonged to locals who owned a stall of milk and plywood.

Their bodies were found by a resident who was preparing to buy milk on Sunday morning, the BBC reported. I entered the store, all the doors open and their bodies hanging from the ceiling with their hands tied, "said Gurcharan Singh, a local resident quoted by the BBC

Shamanic Practices

The police did not also not reported vandalism loss of valuables.

The Reuters news agency said the police had found a handwriting in the house "

" The record shows a strong similarity , in which the eyes, mouth and hands of the victims are tied up and isolated. "

War Between Gangs

Only two weeks earlier war between gangs in the same village. At least three people were killed and five wounded when two enemy gangs clashed in the Burari market.

Police say that she did not see the connection between the two events, but that she will investigate all possibilities

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