A giant crocodile 4.7 meters long successfully stopped, hunted for 8 years


SERAMBINEWS.COM, DARWIN – A seawater crocodile that has been hunted for nearly a decade in the Northern Territory, Australia, was reportedly captured.

Crocodile of a length of 15.45 feet, about 4.71 meters, would have been seen on the Katherine River in 2010.

Worrying that a crocodile weighing 600 kilos would be a danger to humans, the wild operations of the Northern Territory drove him away immediately.

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For eight years, the crocodile managed to disappear under the supervision of the ranger until a trap was prepared

Once the bait placed in the cage From the trap, the ranger patiently waits for the big crocodile to be trapped inside.

Finally on Monday (9/7/201) 8), the Ranger announces that he has captured the crocodile with the bad of the male.

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After that, a 2.37-meter crocodile was also captured

At Sydney Morning Herald, guards Chris Heydon and John Burke said they were rather surprised by the size of the captured crocodile. In the Katherine area, the largest crocodile they've ever captured in 2011 was about 4.6 meters in length

"In addition, each year, the average crocodile is captured at 4, Burke said:

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