A successful and spectacular kakap comes out of the helicopter jail – VIVA


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VIVA – French authorities launch checks around the capital, Paris, after a prisoner famed for murder, escaped by helicopter from a prison south of Paris

The French Ministry of Justice said that the fugitive Redoine Faid, 46, only takes a few minutes to escape. No one was injured or taken hostage at Reau prison in the southern suburbs of Paris

"A group of armed commandos landed in the prison yard of Sudau-Francilien in Reau when Faid was was in the parlor ",

Fox News .

According to one source, three gunmen involved in the escape then hacked the key and gave access to the driveway where Faid and several others were waiting.

The helicopter was found later burned Sunday night in the city of Gargesles-Gonesse located in the northern suburbs of Paris to about 37 miles in prison. The 46-year-old man would have continued his escape by car with an armed accomplice.

This incident is the second time that Faid escapes from prison in France. In 2013, he cheated out of prison by using explosives hidden in a tissue box before finally being arrested in a hotel six weeks later.

Faid is one of the most wanted crime groups in France. He claimed that his nasty life was inspired by films like "Scarface".

In the 1990s, Faid led a group of criminals involved in armed robbery of banks and armored vehicles carrying money. He was arrested in 1998 after three years of flight in Switzerland and Israel, according to the French media.

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