Achievement of the Sumsel MR vaccination program: over 80%


Achieving immunization coverage in South Sumatra ranked 11th in Indonesia.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PALEMBANG – South Sumatra (Sumsel) is one of the provinces with the best results in terms of carrying out vaccination programs. Measles rubella (MR) in Indonesia. Until the deadline for the implementation of the program, MRI vaccination in this area had reached 80%.

Head of South Sumatra Health Office, Lesty Nuraini to "Until October 30, the MRI vaccination program in South Sumatra has reached 80.31% of data center data and information up to 2 239 582 targets," he said. he said Wednesday (31/10).

Especially in the city of Palembang, according to Lesty Nuraini, on October 29, 10,882 children were vaccinated and 12,306 children were immunized.

"After the extension of the MR immunization period ending October 31, 2018, districts and cities whose logistics are still available may continue, and MRI vaccination will be part of the routine program." said the head of South Sumatra's health office.

According to Lesty Nuraini, in South Sumatra, distributed in 17 regencies and cities until 30 October 2018, five regions are clbadified in the list of MR vaccination program, namely the district of Ogan Komering Ulu ( OKU) with an achievement rate of 95.6%, and Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI). , 86%, the North Musi Rawas district (Muratara) reached 98.35% and the regency is OKU 98.82%.

"The most performing areas of the South Sumatra MRI program are Musi Banyuasin or Muba District." Until October 30, 2018, in this region, it reached 104.59%, said Lesty. Nuraini.

In the other regions, the lowest regression in South Sumatra is Banyuasin, which reached 58.55% on 30 October 2018, Prabumulih City 58.6% and Palembang City 59.4%.

For Indonesia as a whole, the MRI vaccination program in South Sumatra reached 80.31%. The implementation of the MRI vaccination program in South Sumatra is the 11th of the 28 provinces that carry out the MRI vaccination program.

Until 30 October 2018, the MRI vaccination program reached its highest level in the province of West Papua, then in the province of Bali, 95.15%, in the province of Lampung, 95, 14%, in the province of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), 93.89%. North Sulawesi (North Sulawesi) reached 89.97%.

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