Acne with dull skin? 5 This food can be the solution – VIVA


VIVA – Everyone would like to have clean, healthy skin. But exposure to pollution and sunlight often makes the skin so dull even acne.

Thus, skin care from the inside and the outside is absolutely necessary. External treatments, such as the use of creams, masks, and diligent face washing.

While treating from the inside, one of them eating healthy foods that can provide nutrients for the skin. The following foods are believed to be healthy and lighten the skin, as indicated by ehow Salmon

The fatty acid and omega 3 content of salmon has anti-inflammatory properties. This trait can overcome the inflammation of the skin. Essential fatty acids in salmon can also be a natural barrier against fat and protect the skin against infections.

Whole seeds

Some people think that cereals can cause acne. And if you consume seeds that contain a lot of fiber, they can stabilize blood sugar and prevent acne


Beans contain zinc that can maximize the immune system. In addition, beans can help fight bacteria that can cause acne.


Spinach leaves can prevent acne, moisturize and lighten skin. Vitamin A in spinach can also stimulate the immune system and promote cell renewal that makes the skin healthier.

brasil brasil

Do not be afraid, this bean does not make your face uneven. The selenium content of Brazil beans can serve as an antioxidant and can fight inflammations like acne.

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