Afghan peace, Ghani: depends on Taliban decisions


Taliban previously rejected talks and continues to launch attacks

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Afghan President Ashraf Ghani declared the official cease-fire of the government version with the Taliban on Saturday. On the other hand, he called on the rebels to hear about peace talks after a three-day ceasefire imposed on Idul Fitri vacation

"It depends on the Taliban's decision to continue to kill or join the peace process. " a press conference in Kabul, where he reiterated his calls for comprehensive peace talks.

Ghani ordered government forces to stop operations for 10 days after the ceasefire on June 15 and 17. During the truce, unarmed Taliban fighters mingle with soldiers, police and civilians in the streets of Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan and elsewhere.

Afghan security forces have obeyed defensive orders since Eid ul-Fitr, can resume normal operations against the Taliban and Islamic State fighters since the announcement was released on Saturday. The government has no ceasefire with the Islamic State.

The ceasefire at the festival of Eid al-Fitr sparked the hope of ending 40 years of fighting in Afghanistan. But there is no realistic and realistic hope among security officials and foreign diplomats in Kabul of an immediate breakthrough.

While regional neighbors, international partners and Afghan civil movements call for peace, the Taliban Taliban fighters to restore their version of Islamic law in Afghanistan said Saturday that they had attacked Dasht-e Qala district, Takhar province. in the northern part of the country, which they had briefly mastered last month.

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