KABUL, KOMPAS.com – Afghan security forces again launched an offensive operation against the Taliban, following the end of a unilateral ceasefire period announced by the government since the late Idul Fitri
/ 2018) announced the end of an 18-day ceasefire after being extended once and declared success at 98%.
"The cease-fire has ended, the Afghan security forces have resumed their military operations." See also: When the Afghan Army and Taliban celebrates Eid Al-Fitr
At a unilateral ceasefire that coincides with a ceasefire Taliban, the Afghans have had three days of unresolved fighting since the conflict. for 17 years.
The moment that happened during the celebration of Eid happiness across the country with members of the Afghan and Taliban security forces came together.
They dance, kiss and even take pictures together.
The situation momentarily gives hope for a new peace campaign
the truce shows that the majority of guerrillas want peace.
"It is the turn of the Taliban to respond positively.I am ready to extend the ceasefire at any time if the Taliban are ready," he said at a conference of press.
But Taliban leaders again ordered its members to resume their duties. 19659002] The Taliban have ordered since Tuesday the resumption of war against the government and their foreign supporters.
The guerrilla group rejected the government's request to extend their ceasefire and immediately launched attacks across the country. You do not want to prolong the time of the armistice
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