After being killed, the body part of Khashoggi was carried in a suitcase


Turkish daily calls Saudi journalists mutilated and placed in five suitcases

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, ISTANBUL – Journal of the Turkish Government, Sabah reported that Jamal Khashoggi's body was cut into pieces and placed in five suitcases. This was done by the perpetrators after Khashoggi's death, suffocating, by entering Saudi Arabia's consulate in Istanbul.

Citing the words of officers who were hesitant to be named, Sabah reported Sunday that the luggage had been taken to the consulate of Saudi Arabia, which was around the consulate on the day of the author 's killing (2/10).

The clerk stated that Maher Mutreb, Salah Tubeigy and Thaar al-Harbi were key players in 15 other members involved in cutting Khashoggi's body parts and removing them from the site.

Meanwhile, Mutreb was the right arm of Prince Mohammed bin Salman or SBM, and then Tubeigy headed the Saudi Scientific Council for Saudi Forensic Science and Colonels of the Army. Al-Harbi was reportedly promoted to lieutenant of the Saudi Royal Guard last year during the defense of the royal palace in Jeddah.

The leak of information coincided with the statement of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan that the order to kill a journalist came from the country's highest landlord, Saudi Arabia.

"The addition of detailed information on the image was formulated by Turkish prosecutors to illustrate that it was a terrible killing," according to the report. Al Jazeera from Istanbul on Sunday (4/11).

Simons said Mutreb was a high-ranking intelligence service, known to be the key to ensuring the safety of the royal family created to direct the operation. While Tubeigy has experience in forensics.

The CCTV video shows three people leaving with a number of consular vehicles heading to the consulate's general residence, 300 meters away, after the murder at 15:00 local time.

Under closed-circuit surveillance, less than two hours, Mutreb was seen leaving the residence.

It is the residence they reported as the place of disposition of the body parts, although it is not known how this was done.

"That's the question.Nobody knows where the body parts went.A Turkish official said that an acid had been used to dissolve the body.Other reports mention tunnels in the park used to exit public residences. "Al Jazeera said.

The Washington Post said last Friday that Erdogan had asked Saudi Arabia to answer the question of killing the 59-year-old man last month. "We must reveal the identity of Khashoggi's badbadination," Erdogan said.

On Wednesday, Turkish prosecutors said that Khashoggi was strangled and mutilated shortly after entering the building. The Turkish media announced the presence of 15 Saudi names suspected of flying to Istanbul and leaving the same day the last time journalists (Khashoggi) were seen.

The involvement of Turkey and Saudi Arabia in the investigation of the Khashoggi case has so far brought that little progress.

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