After Kim Jong-un, Trump is "ready" to meet the Iranian president


US President Donald Trump has proposed to meet Iranian President Hbadan Rouhani "unconditionally" and "whenever they want".

"I will meet everyone I believe in meetings," President Trump told the crew White House media Monday (30/06) US time

The soft approach of the President Trump came after he and President Hbadan Rouhani were involved in a war of words earlier this month. The war of words also took place between President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, but they reconciled and held a summit in Singapore in June

but Iran is cautious about the unconditional offer of President Trump. – condition. Interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli said Tehran could not negotiate with Trump because he could not be trusted.

Deputy Speaker of Parliament Ali Motajhari said that if the US did not withdraw from the nuclear deal, they could negotiate with Washington.

The problem of President Trump and President Rouhani is the decision of the United States. of a nuclear agreement limiting Iran's nuclear activities in exchange for the lifting of international sanctions. After resigning from the deal, Washington is preparing to reinstate sanctions against Tehran in the coming days, although Britain, France, China, Russia and Germany are opposing to this decision.

Iran insists that its nuclear program is entirely peaceful and that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is verifying compliance with the requirements of the nuclear agreement.

In addition to the nuclear issue, the United States is very wary of Iran. Middle East The United States itself is an ally of Israel and Saudi Arabia, two enemies of Iran.

Mother of Peace, mother of war

Last week, President Trump exposed his anger against President Rouhani. The Iranian diplomat, Rouhani said: "America should know that the local peace Iran is the mother of all peace, and the war against Iran is the mother of all wars.

Trump responded to the warning by Twitter in big letters that Iran "will experience the consequences that only a few countries have known in history" threatening the United States

Are the Disputes?

  • Constantly Trump Opposes the 2015 Nuclear Accord Approved by President Obama's Predecessor According to the Agreement, the United States Liquefiers Billions of Assets Iranians in exchange for restrictions on their nuclear program
  • The US government under President Trump regards Iran as a worrisome force in the Middle East, arguing that the nuclear deal allows Iran to pursue a regional business policy.Iran has sent hundreds military and thousands of volunteer militia in Syria and strengthened the military presence in the country.
  • Gulf states accuse Iran of supporting Houthi rebel groups in Yemen in money and weapons. . Saudi Arabia, a close ally of the United States, is a major enemy of Iran and has warned repeatedly against the dangers of Iran's intentions.

Iran is one of the world's largest oil producing nations. The country's economy is already under pressure, while dissatisfied citizens have also protested because of rising prices of staples and declining value of the currency.

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