After Lebaran Holiday, the garbage volume at Gunungkidul has increased


Report Reporter Forward Jogja Tribune, Wisang Seto Pangaribowo

TRIBUNJOGJA.COM, GUNUNGKIDUL – The holiday time Lebaran is pointing to one of the factors of increasing waste in the Wukirsari Waste Disposal Site (TPAS), Baleharjo village, Wonosari.

The coordinator of TPAS Wukirsari, Rusdiyanto, said that during the Idul Fitri holiday in June, garbage is increased, which represents a typical day of only 3,000 cubic meters after the long vacations have reaches 5,000 cubic meters.

"This initial estimate reaches 5000 cubic meters seen from the amount of waste we have transported for valid data, we are still waiting until the end of June," he explained, Sunday (24/06/2018) .

In comparison, the TPAS Wukirsari accommodates each day up to 150 cubic meters but during Idul Fitri holidays up to 250 cubic meters.

"Because of the large number of tourists who have visited, one of the factors is the increase in waste," he said.

On this holiday vacation period aims 300 000 tourists to visit in Gunungkidul.

"Of those who visit the average per person produce 7 ounces of garbage, but the times compared to last year is better handling because the fleet fills up last year three times", he explained.

He said during the night takbir garbage so much that the officers did not take off at that time.

"At night, takbir waste is dominated by paper waste," he says.

Meanwhile, head of DLH Gunungkidul, Agus Priyanto previously predicted the volume of waste during Lebaran 2018 has reached 210 tons.

During the holidays in Idul Fitri, he deployed 24 people and cooperated with the tourism awareness group (pokdarwis) to maintain cleanliness.

"The garbage in the tourist attraction area is a separate problem as they can interfere with the convenience of the tourists who visit. We want all tourists to feel comfortable in their visit to Gunungkidul, "he said.

To overcome waste in the southern region of Gunungkidul, DLH is discussing landfill construction (TPA) to break down the waste problem in the south.

"The facilities are important, but educating tourists and residents about not throwing waste is more important," he said.

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