After Trump invites to meet, Putin launches invitations


TEMPO.CO Washington – Russian President Vladimir Putin says he's ready to come to Washington DC meets the invitation of US President Donald Trump.

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At the same time, Putin also invited Trump to come to Moscow to continue his second summit, the first held in Helsiniki, Finland, in mid-July 2018.

"We are ready for dinner. Other meetings We are ready to invite President Trump to Moscow He received this invitation and I told him that, "Putin said on the sidelines of the BRICS summit, which was held in Johannesburg, in South Africa, Friday, July 27, 2018 CNN . Putin also said, "I understand what President Trump has said, he wants a follow-up meeting." According to Putin, he is ready to meet with Trump. "We need the appropriate conditions created first including in our country," Putin said at a press conference in Johannesburg

US President Donald Trump (right ) shared a photo. West, in the Oval Office Room, White House, Washington DC, Wednesday, May 30, 2018. Kim meets Trump to apologize to a woman serving a life sentence for a drug offense. REUTERS / Handout

The last time Trump came to Moscow was when he attended the Miss Universe contest in 2013.

While waiting for a favorable condition in both countries, Putin suggested that the two be find on the sidelines of a summit "With regard to the difficulties that exist, in this case the difficulties related to the internal political conditions in the United States, life goes on and our contacts continue"

. In response to this invitation from Putin, White House spokesman Sarah Sanders said Trump was ready to visit Moscow. However, Trump must receive an official invitation.

Putin's invitation comes a few days after Trump said he could hold a meeting with Putin early next year, starting plans earlier this year. Vladimir Putin in his inauguration ceremony for a new term of President of Russia at the Great Kremlin Palace in Moscow, Russia, May 7, 2018. AP Photo / Alexander Zemlianichenko, Pool

" The president believes that the next bilateral meeting with President Putin will come after witch on Russia is over.So we believe that it will happen only at the beginning of next year, "said John Bolton, Trump National Security Advisor


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Bolton is a Trump envoy to Russia to meet Putin before his meeting in Helsinki, Finland yesterday.

After a meeting in Helsinki with Putin, Trump He was criticized internationally for not having su do in the face of the Russian intervention in the 2016 US presidential election.

Trump also seems to doubt the results of a number of US intelligence agencies that Russia was involved in this intervention to win Trump to the presidency. Trump later admitted to having received the findings of the intelligence agency, even though he thought other people might be involved in the intervention. Trump does not explain exactly what others mean.

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