Against bad cholesterol? Do not panic, try to overcome with 2 cloves of garlic. Here's how!


TRIBUNBATAM.ID -For some people, cholesterol is a scourge

Different ways to repel the "evil creatures" that exist in the body.

Cholesterol that accumulates in the blood has the potential to trigger different types

Although in various ways, cholesterol in the body does not go away

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Apart from that, there is a natural way to try – in addition to the ease, it is very simple.

Certainly, the sniper was named garlic.

Garlic, plural we know, contains many benefits for the human body. Yup, one of them lowers cholesterol levels in the body.

In garlic contain allicin, a chemical that has been proven capable of killing bacteria and fungi and able menggingatkukan indigestion.

such as quercetin, sterols and saponins, which are guaranteed for our health

  Illustration of garlic
Illustration of garlic (shutterstock)

Few know, l & rsquo; Garlic can also reduce the nature of blood clotting [19659002] According to a recent study, garlic is one of the most prevalent supplements because it is supposed to lower cholesterol levels in the body.

The study also mentioned that eating garlic from one to one and a half grams per day can lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides up to 20 mg / dL [19659002] On the other hand, although LDL is reduced, the good HDL aka cholesterol is not available (19659002) For this, so that we can reduce cholesterol in a short time, ideally we consume one to two raw cloves per heart-just mix it in our food.

Alternatively, we can consume 300 mg of dried garlic powder or tablets that we can easily find on the market. (Intisarionline / Cynthia Paramitha Trisnanda / Nakita.grid.Id)

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