JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Airbus SE would be bound by a $ 23 billion aircraft sales contract with AirAsia Group. The value is for the order of 100 units of A321neo and A330neo widebodies
By quoting from Bloomberg, the order contract is still in the final trading phase. Meanwhile, there has been no official response from AirAsia or Airbus.
The purchase of A321neos will bring AirAsia in the presence of Interglobe Aviation Ltd. India as the biggest customer for the jet. " marquee narrowbody " Airbus.
In fact, the decision to take over A330neos benefits Airbus widebody in the midst of fierce competition with sales of Boeing's 787 Dreamliner
Also present: Promoting the International Headquarters of AirAsia International Routes
As negotiations intensified last week, AirAsia's Tony Fernandes wrote in his Twitter account on the purchase.
"We ordered 330 (A330neos), but to strengthen it, we have to make sure that the price is right, that the performance is good, that the engine is running well," says Fernandes on his Twitter.

The new aircraft will help AirAsia continue plans to build affordable airlines in Asia and conquer a market share dominated by Air India.
In India, Fernandes is planning other domestic flights, while international operations will take place early next year. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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