Airstrikes continued in Syria after the talks broke down


Amman / Beirut (ANTARA News) – Russian air strikes against rebels in western Syria lasted on Wednesday after a rebel said the talks aimed at peacefully reinstating the terrorists. Government authority in the region had failed. [19459002LasériedefrappraériennesafrappélavilledeofTafasdansorden-ouestdelaprovincedeDeraaandlavilleSaidaàlestadéclaréléObservateursyriendesreadsdel'deman

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad Air Russia to recover the region of the insurgent groups. Government forces managed to recapture many areas occupied by the rebels.

Russia briefly suspended its air strikes Saturday night according to the Observatory. The monitoring organization, along with a number of residents and rebels in Saida, said the bombs fell on Wednesday on Saida.

The rebels have been negotiating with Russia since Saturday in search of an agreement for the end of the war. (19659002) The rebels have been negotiating with Russia since Saturday, seeking an agreement to end the battle by accepting the return of the government's sovereignty, but they have not managed to agree on the terms of it . Sam Shaima, a spokesman for the Syrian Liberation Army factions who are negotiating with Russia, told Reuters: "Another rebel spokesman, Ibrahim al-Jabawi, said:" Sam fails because that they insisted on handing over heavy weapons. "The conversation did not reach any conclusions Russia wants heavy weapons to be delivered to it on one occasion while the opposition wants to proceed to weapons rankings after tens of thousands of refugees have returned home, he said .– a condition that Russia is proposing regarding the handover of weapons as an insult. Jordan then persuaded them to return to the negotiating table, according to some sources.

A number of southwestern cities have entered into a capitulation agreement with the government in the midst of movements of troops and air bombers

neighboring countries, Jordan and Israel. region is also a "zone of tension", as agreed by Jordan, the United States and Russia last year to reduce the fighting.

Although Washington has warned that it would act in violation of the agreement, the United States has done nothing so far. The rebels say that the United States told them not to wait for US military aid.

Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi met on Wednesday in Moscow with his Russian counterpart, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Safadi said that a humanitarian disaster could occur in southern Syria if a ceasefire was not decreed.

Lavrov says that all Syrian issues will be discussed at the upcoming summit between US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin. According to United Nations estimates, the south-west has caused an estimated 270,000 people displaced from their homes. (Uu.T008)

Read also: Syrian rebels start negotiating a peace agreement with Russia
See also: The militants of Daraa separate from an agreement with the Syrian government

Edited by: Maryati

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