Already eight days Thai football team caught in the cave


Divers plummet deeper into the 10-kilometer cavernous alley

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, CHIANG RAI – A total of 12 Thai boys and their football badistants spent the eighth night trapped in a cave flooded. The weather on Sunday (1/7) is clear enough that rescuers can work better.

Rescue teams are trying to reach deeper into the cave space of Tham Luang in the hope of finding them. Despite the hard work and international help, there has been no contact with children aged 11 to 16 since they were reported missing.

But sunny weather can help divers to penetrate more deeply within 10 kilometers. "I'm happy, a lot of good signs," said head coach of the football team Nopparat Khanthavong (37) quoted in Bangkok Post sunday

"The rain has stopped and rescue teams "The family is also feeling a lot better," he said.

Navy divers were able to reach the cave forks on Saturday (30/6). two or three kilometers from where the kids are supposed to be.

Some divers are asking donations of oxygen tanks to help fill their stock and facilitate operations. " At spacing of two to three kilometers, we need divers to put oxygen sparingly, in order to provide divers with the necessary help up to their destination, "says Na Bangchang, a Narinthorn diver who contributed to the effort.

Foreign Experts [19459] 011]

The dramatic wait dominated the front pages of Thai newspapers and confiscated international titles. Experts from Australia, Great Britain, Japan and China, including more than 30 US troops, descended to remote mountainous areas to reach some 1,000 Thai rescuers.

Outside the main entrance, other researchers are trying to find the entrance. cave through two separate chimneys. Rescuers simulate when they find the children and must immediately take them to the hospital.

Large water pumps are also installed in neighboring villages to drain water from the area. Tham Luang is one of the longest and most difficult caves to navigate in Thailand.

Officials say the children are familiar with the site and have already been frequent travelers. This gives hope that they may have found a spacious vestibule to shelter.

Rescuers found footprints and handprints in a room earlier in the week. It is further away from where they found football boots, backpacks and kids bikes.

See also: Why save Thai youth in the cave So difficult?

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