Amended Constitution, the Cuban Presidency can only serve two periods

[ad_1] – Cuba is implementing a new constitution regarding the term of office of a president, from now on only five years by period and a maximum of two terms. In addition, leadership in the country will also be split in two namely the President and the Prime Minister.

BBC website report Sunday (15/7), in addition to reforming the government, the new constitution will also impose the status of public property. Previously, sales of private property were prohibited while Fidel Castro was in power, but the ban was lifted in 2011.

This constitutional framework should be approved by vote in the Cuban National Assembly the week next. Subsequently, the constitution will be incorporated into a popular referendum for the approval of this year's finals.

If approved, the new constitution will replace the old rules approved by the Cuban Communist Party in 1976. But this new constitution will continue to make the Communist Party the dominant political force in Cuba

Cuba itself has undertaken a series of reforms since 2010 with the aim of improving the country's economy. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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