Angela Merkel save yourself with Europe that closes


Angela Merkel fleeing by closing Europe

The past two weeks have been crucial days for the German chancellor. He was involved in a fundamental political struggle over refugee policy in Europe. And those who win in the end are those who support the policy of isolation. These are politicians who want to prevent refugees from coming to Europe

How, by strengthening border surveillance and building refugee shelters in North Africa. It is there that they have to wait, until there is a decision, if they are desirable to be in Europe. For example, because they are entitled to protection of asylum, or because they are needed as workers.

Also, in Europe alone, the treatment of refugees will be strengthened. They will be placed in shelters, dealing with accelerated cases, and who do not want to be deported as soon as possible, so the theory.

Dramatic drama

The grand plan agreed by Angela Merkel and her colleagues in the EU a week It then marks the end of the open arms policy that he promoted. It is only as well as the Minister of the Interior, Horst Seehofer, several times mengkatimatum Merkel Chancellor, may be asked to make compromises, and that funny drama unfolding on the stage German politics ends and Germany is spared by political divisions. good. Not only for Germany, but also for the European Union. Because no one wants to see chaos occur in the strongest economy in Europe, with the exception of politicians who overlap populist issues for their own good. Because the role of Germany as a European stabilizer is too important for the game.

With this latest compromise, the crisis may actually be over for the moment. But this is not the answer to the real problem. Because in which African countries will refugee shelters be built? The reactions to date are only rejections. Even if, later, the policy is badociated with financial aid, with which countries will Europe cooperate? Are human rights standards in the country absolutely irrelevant?

Who then wants to prevent a flood of refugees from wanting to leave his homeland? Who will feed them? The images of Algeria show a dramatic situation. Thousands of people, including children and pregnant women, were forced to cross the desert with 50 degrees Celsius in the afternoon. Many have died of hunger and thirst. Now, Lebanon already has more refugees from all over Europe. This is the sad fact of the policy of European isolation

More questions than answers

In Europe, there are more questions than answers. It is not clear where in the country a refugee shelter will be built. Which government will be willing to help and ease the burden of Italy and Greece that refugees have attacked? What are the criteria for the distribution of refugees in the EU Member States? Should the country with the longest outer limit accommodate more refugees?

The agreement between Angela Merkel and Horst Seehofer is only feasible because everything is still vague. The only thing that was clear was a closer look at the border. For the Frontex border monitoring service, it is a large project period. Also for companies that manufacture barbed wire.

For three years, Chancellor Angela Merkel has fought for a more humane refugee policy. But the situation is now starting to change. It is precisely his closest political counterpart, CSU, who is now opposed to his policy and who is finally forcing Merkel to adopt stricter refugee policies. Rigorous surveillance and a metal fence could temporarily save the government from the crisis. But this is not a solution that will last.

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