Apparently grandfather Buyut Swedish king ex-girlfriend Napoleon


TRIBUNMANADO.CO.ID – Silvia, the German girl who became queen of Sweden, now learns Swedish 2 hours a day from Ny. Birgit Westerlund, lecturer at the University of Stockholm

This teacher, very satisfied with the progress of her VIP disciples. Silvia Sommerlath is good at language. Before being queen, in addition to German he mastered English, Portuguese (for having long lived in Brazil) and Spain (he had worked in Argentina).

Silvia is not the only Swedish queen who comes from ordinary people. Before him, there are 2 queens who were not nobles. The first was Karin, the daughter of a palace guard who was named Queen by Eric XIV in 1568.

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The second is Desiree, daughter A rich silk merchant from Marseille, France

Desiree Clary to take the heart of his people changed his name to Desidaria, but he never spoke Swedish. The elegant and elegant Desiree with brown hair is not a stranger to the world. Books and movies were shot around him.

Even now, a new film is made in Vienna with Liz Taylor as Desiree (when half-aging Desiree becomes fat as Liz). Desiree is a former fiancee of Napoleon Bounaparte

Yes, Bounaparte, because it was only in 1796 that Corsica was famous by his family Bonaparte, even though Napoleon had used "Bonaparte" in 1973. Napoleon was not then emperor. Napoleon and his brother Joseph, at the end of the eighteenth century, knew the sisters of Julie and Désirée Clary. Marseille. "In order for a household to be harmonious, one of them must succumb," said Napoleon one day. "You are Joseph, your character is not as sure as Desiree, while Julie and I know what we want, you should marry Julie. "Then Napoleon drew Desiree on his knees and said to him," He will be my wife. "

Joseph followed his sister's advice, and on August 1, 1794, he married Julie Somewhere, the opinion of the parents of Julie on this daughter-in-law .. Whatever it is Ny Clary is known to have said: "Simply a Bounaparte alone in our family!".

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