apples apples like fruits, manchianeel fruits this could be a deadly "killer", that's the fact


TRIBUNJABAR.ID – Many mysteries are still stored in this world.

One of them is the Manchianeel tree, which looks ordinary but has a dangerous poison

It is scattered in several places in the United States. 19659005]

This tree can be found along the south coast of Florida, the Caribbean coast and South America.

In its apparent form, this tree seems simple.

However, this tree is really deadly. that you should not do to this tree.

You will not touch this tree or eat the fruit of this tree that looks like an apple with a very sweet taste.

Even Spanish explorers who found this tree have dubbed him 'apple

  Part of the Manchianeel tree </p>
<figure clbad=  Part of the Manchianeel tree
Part of the Manchianeel tree

can cause death

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