Intelligence Intelligence Online warrants intelligence gathering by Saudi Arabia with Israeli secret services in the city of Aqaba, southern Jordan, to discuss plans in the Middle East presented like "the agreement of the century". of the Middle East Monitor page, Saturday (30/6), the meeting took place on the third day of Eid on June 17th. Saudi Intelligence Director Khalid Al Humaidan, Egyptian Intelligence Director Abbas Kamil, Jordanian Intelligence Director Adnan Al Jundi and Palestinian Intelligence Director Majid Faraj met with Donald Trump, Senior Advisor, Donald Trump and Jared Kushner
. According to French media reports, Isrel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu traveled to Amman the day after the meeting and met with King Abdullah II of Jordan
Intelligence Online suspects the meeting will discuss & # 39; Century Accord & # 39;
reported a meeting of Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman with Netanyahu in Jordan.
A political scientist writing in the Israeli newspaper, Jacky Hugi, said: "A close friend told me about the meeting, and Israel, with the help of King Abdullah."
Israel and Arabia did not have diplomatic relations, but became a common secret, the two often establish relations and cooperation. The latest report calls on both leaders to work together to build an official relationship. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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