Archbishop Adelaide Dibui for hiding the pedophile priestess's affair

[ad_1] – An Australian Catholic Archbishop was sentenced to 12 months in prison for hiding cases of child abuse by a preacher in the 1970s.

Philip Wilson, now the Archbishop of Adelaide, is currently listed as an ecclesiastic The world's highest Catholic convicted and found guilty in a pedophile priest case

Last month he was found guilty by the court of having Hidden a case of obscenity against altars boys married by his co-pastor James Patrick Fletcher in New South Wales. On Tuesday (3/7/2018), the court ordered that Wilson be placed under "house arrest", which means that he has the option of not being locked up in a prison cell, reports BBC . said the great Catholic clergyman had shown no remorse. In his verdict, Judge Stone stated that Wilson, who was still a junior priest, deliberately did not report Fletcher's abuse to the police in order to protect the reputation of the Catholic Church

Fletcher in 2004 He was convicted of nine charges of pedophilia, but died two years later.

Wilson and his attorney sought to deny the charges by saying that the 67-year-old Alzheimer's Archbishop was suffering from Alzheimer's disease. , e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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