Artificial recreational wrinkles good to keep Gadget trends in children


JAKARTA, – Artificial recreational arena is now easier to find. Starting with theme parks, zoos, malls, inns or hotels

Taufik Wumu, president of the Association of Family Recreation of Indonesia (ARKI), said that these rides artificial are suitable for children. The artificial recreation rides are very different from the current trend, where kids love to play gadgets, "said Taufik at the Fun Asia Expo exhibition at JIExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta, Wednesday (25/7/2018). artificial recreation walks such as theme park and such can be enjoyed in children to adults.Therefore we can establish a direct interaction between the child and his peers, as well as with their Parents playing together

Rachmat Sutiono, Funworld president, also said that this type of artificial tourism is child-friendly because there is already a certificate of standardization.The commissioner of the Indonesian Commission for the Protection of the 39, childhood, Ai Maryati, said that the reason the world of children has returned, is that no positive manic gadget, but always accompanied by positive arrangements that

"The game qu i prioritize safety, security, age and development, easy access control and supervision of an adult.If the rides match the criteria, then it can be said that it is suitable for children, "he said KompasTravel the same day

But we must make sure that the toy is safe from the material, for example a plastic that does not meet the standards. Or electric toys, textured, etc.

"I always love meeting recreational recreational toys that display adult images, very inappropriate for children," he concludes.

Now Family Recreation Industry Activists Theme Park (19459007) ), Water Park, Family Playground, Recreation Center (19459007) Theme Park ), Park Aquatic, family relaxation area, Playground, and many other entertainment attractions in foreign countries.

This year's Fun Asia Expo 2018 is held on July 25 and 26, 2018 at Hall-D2 Jiexpo Kemayoran Jakarta. The exhibition brought together about 80 exhibitors from 19 countries such as Italy, China, Singapore, Liechtenstein, Canada, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, the USA, the Philippines, Taiwan, Korea, India, Turkey and Indonesia.

"The goal of Fun Asia Expo 2018 is certainly to provide the ideal meeting point for buyers, sellers, visitors and candidates for future business partners, as well as to increase visibility visitors, "said Rachmat. f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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