As a result of a kiss, this 8-day old baby is dead, his story wakes up the heart


Murder of a baby 8 days old because of his kiss
Murder of a baby 8 days old because of his kiss

DESIGN STATION – Having a child in marriage is certainly a hope for all married couples.

The presence of children can color the days of the child's parents to feel more beautiful. All his love will be devoted to the little one who has just started life in the world.

But what will happen if after birth, the baby who had been waiting for nine months would die in a few days.

You can imagine how sad the heart of parents is. This bitter experience lived by Abigail, a 19-year-old mother who had just left her baby forever.

This Abigail baby named Aliza Rose Friend died when she entered her eighth day.

The little baby died after receiving a "death kiss" from someone. Abigail was certainly devastated by the death of her first baby.

Abigail said that Aliza was fine in the first 36 hours. But suddenly, Aliza had a fever.

Plus, his face was pale and his appetite was lost. The little baby seems to have difficulty breathing and begins to convulse.

The doctor and hospital staff immediately check the state of Aliza. After being treated in different ways, he could not be helped.

The tiny baby gave up her last breath on May 20, 2018, after officers turned off medical devices that allowed Aliza to breathe.

The officer then told Abigail and her husband that it was possible that her daughter had contracted herpes infection after being kissed by a person carrying the HSV-1 virus or touched by an impure hand.

The neonatal herpes virus develops and attacks the poor baby's lungs and cerebellum.

Abigail felt devastated by the death of her first daughter. It's the beginning of her mother's life.

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He always thinks about his baby at all times. What is even sadder, is that he did not even know who was at the origin of the virus because many people had come to meet him with his baby.

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